fileBatchRename.Hint=Batch rename all pictures in the list
fileBatchPrint.Caption=Batch print
imageSize.Caption=Image size
imageSize.Hint=Choose or type in your image size in widthxheight format (eg 123x88) and press enter.
imageResampleFilter.Caption=Resample filter
imageMaintainAspectRatio.Caption=Maintain aspect ratio
imageLargeOnly.Caption=Large only
imageLargeOnly.Hint=Only resize large images, smaller ones left as they are.
imageKeepLongSide.Caption=Keep long side
imageKeepLongSide.Hint=Keep the long side unchanged when resizing.
imageFitWatermark.Caption=Enlarge canvas to fit watermark
editAutoPosition.Hint=Choose one of the 9 automatic positions for the selected objects. Object will automatically adapt itself to where it should be regardless of the size of your pictures.
editShrink.Caption=╧≡ε∩ε≡÷Φεφαδⁿφεσ ≤∞σφⁿ°σφΦσ
editGrow.Caption=╧≡ε∩ε≡÷Φεφαδⁿφεσ ≤ΓσδΦ≈σφΦσ
editResetImageSize.Caption=Reset image size
editResetImageSize.Hint=Set the selected image back to its original size.
editMakeImageCurrentSize.Caption=Make image current size
editMakeImageCurrentSize.Hint=Change the selected image to the current size and discard its original size.
editCrop.Hint=Crop the selected image according to the crop window you have defined.
strDeleteConfirm=Do you really want to delete the selected files or folders?
strDemoVer=─σ∞εφ±≥≡α÷Φεφφα Γσ≡±Φ
strEditTranslation=╨σΣαΩ≥Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ τ√Ωα
strEnterAngle=Enter an angle in degree
strExifError=Error: ═σ≥ Σαφφ√⌡ EXIF
strExifTable=Check items to show.
strFileInfoText=Use one or more f, s, w, h, c to format file name, file size, image width, image height and color depth. Other characters or characters enclosed in double quotes are displayed as-is.
strFit=╨α±≥ φ≤≥ⁿ
strFtpDeleting=Deleting on server
strFtpDownloading=Downloading from server
strFtpRetrieving=Retrieving file and directory lists
strFtpUploading=Uploading to server
strIcon=╚ΩεφΩα Windows
strInactive=Select a single editable object (i.e. Image, Text, Image file info, Age, Date and time, or EXIF table) to activate the object editor.
strLangCaption=%s (translated by %s)
strLicensedVer=╟α≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓαφφα Γσ≡±Φ
strLively=Styles lively created by
strMeta=Window meta and ehanced meta
strModifiedDate=Last modified date
strModifiedTime=Last modified time
strMsgNoToAll=═σ Σδ Γ±σ⌡
strMsgYesToAll=─α Σδ Γ±σ⌡
strNewName=Enter a new name
strNewObject=═αµ∞Φ≥σ Φ ∩σ≡σ≥α∙Φ≥σ Σδ ±ετΣαφΦ %s
strNoImageInFolder=┬ ΣαφφεΘ ∩α∩Ωσ φσ≥ Φτεß≡αµσφΦΘ
strPicTakenDate=Picture taken date
strPicTakenTime=Picture taken time
strPos0=┴στ αΓ≥ε∩ετΦ÷ΦεφΦ≡εΓαφΦ
strPos1=┬Γσ≡⌡≤ ±δσΓα
strPos10=Image frame
strPos2=┬σ≡⌡≤ ∩ε ÷σφ≥≡≤
strPos3=┬φΦτ≤ ±∩≡αΓα
strPos4=┬ ±σ≡σΣΦφσ ±δσΓα
strPos5=┬ ±σ≡σΣΦφσ ∩ε ÷σφ≥≡≤
strPos6=┬ ±σ≡σΣΦφσ ±∩≡αΓα
strPos7=┬φΦτ≤ ±δσΓα
strPos8=┬φΦτ≤ ∩ε ÷σφ≥≡≤
strPos9=┬φΦτ≤ ±∩≡αΓα
strPrintSize1=Fit to page
strPrintSize2=Stretch to page
strPrintSize3=Specified size
strProduct=PhotoWatermark Professional
strReadingFile=(ESC Σδ ε±≥αφεΓΩΦ) ╫≥σφΦσ %s (%d)
strRenameGuide=Use # to specify positions used by numeric emulator, * to insert the original file name, one or more y, m, d, h, n, s to format date time. Quoted strings are not formated. Illegal characters will be replaced by _.
strSameFolderOverwrite=Destination and source folders are the same, which means you may overwrite your source image files. This is an IRREVERSIBLE action. Please proceed with caution. If you are NOT quite sure what you are doing, please click NO.
strSorting=Sorting images make take several minutes. Please wait ...
strStrive=Strive for excellence
strText=┬ΓεΣ ΦδΦ Φτ∞σφσφΦσ ≥σΩ±≥α
strTip0=Many commands have detailed hints. Always move your mouse over each command and read the hint on the statusbar.
strTip1=Many of the edit windows either as part of the combo box or spin edit accept custom text. You need to press ENTER to accept the change. Please refer to the hint of each combobox for proper format.
strTip10=If you are running ANSI based system, you could type in special copyright and registered marks. You must turn the option <Auto format (c) and (r) marks> on before you type (c) or (r).
strTip11=Format strings are very powerful in formating your date time, age, image file info objects and rename template. Please refer to the FAQ section in the help file for a detailed list of these format strings.
strTip2=If you want to watermark all photos in a folder, navigate into that folder from the folder tree. Your photos will be automatically listed.
strTip3=If you want to work with a selected number of photos. Use the <File -> Open> command to select your image files.
strtip4=When you run this program for the first time, you need to create at least one watermark object to start with. Various kinds of watermark objects can be found under <Object> menu.
strTip5=You can click to select a watermark object. Most watermark objects can be changed with the object editor when selected.
strTip6=Each object can be positioned so that it will automatically adapt itself to the proper position irregarding the size of your images. Use the object editor to set this attribute.
strTip7=When you have photos files in the list and watermark objects created, you will be able to watermark your photos with the command <File -> Batch watermark>
strTip8=If your watermark objects are missing on some of your pictures, you may be using absolute positions for those objects. Use auto position instead.
strTip9=You could create different watermark sets for different purposes. They are called watermark files. Each watermark file can contain any number of watermark objects. Do not get mixed between watermark object and watermark file.
strTotalFrames=A total of %d mask files in the list.
strWiz1=Please select a folder containing digital photos in the folder tree or use File - Open to open a number of photo files.
strWiz2=Please create at least one watermark object such as a text or image object using the proper command under Object menu.
strWiz3=Please use the object editor and the menu system to edit and posistion your watermark objects. Automatic position will ensure a consistent look in your final products.
strWiz4=Now you are ready to batch watermark your images. Please click File - Batch watermark and follow instructions.
strWizCap1=Step 1: Open a folder or photo files
strWizCap2=Step 2: Create watermark objects
strWizCap3=Step 3: Format or position your watermark objects